보육통합정보시스템 사이트 Childcare integrated information system site

Go to the Integrated Child Care Information System site [https://cpms.childcare.go.kr]

Go to the integrated childcare information system site

Go to the integrated childcare information system site
It is an essential site “Integrated Childcare Information System” that any daycare teacher should know. It is a system that all childcare teachers must sign up for. Does that mean it’s that important?

보육통합정보시스템 사이트

Then wait here!! What is an integrated childcare information system? First of all, to briefly explain, you can see it as an information disclosure item and manager page on the i-sarang portal site. 보육통합정보시스템 사이트



In more detail, it can be said that it is a service for viewing information on local facilities related to our local facilities provided to guardians of infants and toddlers by each local government, granting the right to modify/delete posts and managing the operation of the homepage. 좋은뉴스 


So why do you need it? This is because it is very useful in answering various inquiries from parents.

In addition, it is possible to register photos of children, and in the case of an event plan, it is convenient that it is automatically created after uploading it once. Lastly, it would be nice to refer to the Parent Education Resource Room, as you can use the family correspondence or shared folders for educational materials.

Go to the integrated childcare information system site
Thanks to the honey tips given to me by the director of the daycare center where I am currently working, I have been using it well to this day.


It was an electronic document creation program available online, and it was a web service called “i love document 24”. What used to be stored only in paper documents can now be stored as computer files.

Of course, only some functions are supported so far, but it is said that it will be improved gradually. Anyway, I feel like these changes have made things a lot easier. In the past, it was a waste of time to print and file one by one, but now it is no longer necessary.


In addition, there is no risk of loss and the preservation period is extended, which is satisfactory in many ways. However, there are some concerns. This is because there are concerns about personal PC security or hacking. I hope you can pass safely without any trouble.

Go to the integrated childcare information system site

In early February, I received a call from the Childrearing Comprehensive Support Center (hereafter referred to as the Center). It was a request to participate in the pilot project of the online evaluation system newly introduced this year. Unlike the existing evaluation system, which was conducted only offline, this time it was conducted only by computer.


Of course, since it is still in the early stages of implementation, there are still many things to improve, but I was relieved when the person in charge explained that things would improve gradually. However, there were parts of concern. I felt a lot of pressure because I was trying to handle the work alone in an unfamiliar environment.

Moreover, it was all the more so because it was my first experience. First of all, I downloaded the manual as soon as I was in a hurry and familiarized myself with it, and prepared by watching video lectures in my spare time. Fortunately, after a few days of acclimation, I quickly got used to it. All that was left was practice. Finally, on the day of D-day, I went to work early in the morning and turned on my laptop. After logging in, when accessing the main screen, a notice pop-up window appeared.

Then, a window with basic guidance text appeared. Note that you must change the password at this time. Otherwise, someone else may come in and manipulate the data. If you accidentally forgot your password, don’t panic and call customer service. Then kindly let me know.


Anyway, after safely completing the certification process, work began in earnest. First, I checked the details of each menu, and it was largely divided into four categories. First, the general status of the institution Second, childcare process Third,


Fourth, there were a total of four areas, such as health and safety, and each area must have a total score of 100 points or more out of 25 points to pass. Therefore, if you miss even one, it will be a deductible factor, so you have to look carefully.


It took approximately 1 hour. You have to press the save button in the middle, but be careful because otherwise the document you’ve worked hard on may be lost. I finally finished all the process and pressed the final submit button.


The score was then calculated immediately. I clicked the inquiry button with a throbbing and trembling heart. After a while, the word pass came into my eyes.