간호조무사 자격증 재발급 Reissuance of Nursing Assistant License

Nursing Assistant License Reissuance Procedure and How to Use

Today, I would like to inform you about the reissuance of the nursing assistant license. If you do not get a job immediately after obtaining a license, it often happens that you lose your license. Then, if you want to get a job as a nursing assistant, you need a license.


Nursing assistants are professional nursing personnel with about 700,000 license holders currently produced, of which 210,000 are employed in medical institutions, public health centers, and facilities. People who do not work as nursing assistants often need to reissue their nursing assistant licenses. Did you know that you can apply online or by mail or in person? 간호조무사 자격증 재발급


간호조무사 자격증 재발급

Nursing assistants must complete the curriculum prescribed by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare pursuant to Article 80 of the Medical Act, pass the national examination, and be recognized as qualified by the Minister of Health and Welfare. It is not an easy certification because you have to complete 520 hours of nursing assistant training and pass the qualification test. 좋은뉴스

If you want to reissue a nursing assistant license, you can access the Ministry of Health and Welfare website and proceed. I will explain step by step.


Search for the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Fujian and access the homepage. If you enter Civil Service in the top menu, there is “Health Care Practitioner License (Qualification) Civil Service” at the far right. please press this




Please click here to apply for reissuance of license and certificate. The important point is that in case of reissuance due to name and resident registration number change, nationality change, or damage, you must visit or apply by mail only.



You must log in with your accredited certificate to apply for reissuance.



If you apply in person or by mail, you must fill out the application form below and submit it in person or by mail.



If you download the nursing assistant use application form, the following reissue application form appears. To give you one tip, if you do not want to apply for reissuance by mail or in person, you can apply online if you set the reason for reissuance as lost.



That’s why I’m going to tell you how to reissue your license online. In the same way, click Apply for license reissuance and log in with the public certificate.




After entering the information of the person applying as follows, be sure to check Lost in the reason for application. You can receive it by mail. When you have entered everything, click Save.




Next you need to upload a photo. Please upload a scanned photo by clicking Change Photo.


In the case of a photo, you must upload a jpg or jpeg image file within 1 MB, and if you upload the photo, you can adjust it so that the desired part can be printed with the mouse.



Upload your photo, and when you’re done editing, click edit photo. Then upload your photo as shown below and click the Apply button.




Next you need to pay the fee. The fee for reissuance of a nursing assistant license is 2,000 won. 2090 won including VAT is paid.



You can proceed with payment by pressing the payment button, and payment can be made by credit card or account transfer. The application is then completed as follows.




If you want to print the received details, you can print it out. It looks like you may not have to.

Above, we have explained how to reissue a nursing assistant license.