기면증 자가진단 Narcolepsy self-diagnosis

Self-diagnosis of narcolepsy, knowing symptoms of narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is now a well-known symptom. It is a condition in which you feel drowsy during the day, suddenly fall asleep, or feel lethargic for no reason, even if you sleep well at night. In order to self-diagnose narcolepsy, you must first look at its symptoms and causes. Narcolepsy is when you suddenly fall asleep during the day and after taking a short sleep of less than 15 minutes, you feel like you are clear, but after an hour or two, you feel drowsy again and repeat. However, it is not common to suddenly collapse and fall asleep, as seen in the movie. Typically, you experience symptoms that make it difficult to tolerate sleepiness during the day.





It is said that 0.01-0.16% of adults suffer from narcolepsy, which usually begins in adolescence and is currently incurable. However, narcolepsy symptoms improve to the extent that they do not interfere with daily life with drug treatment, so early treatment is important. 기면증 자가진단


기면증 자가진단


Do you wake up in the morning and don’t feel refreshed and feel sleepy for no reason? Do you fall asleep unknowingly, or do you feel sleepy while driving or talking? If you ignore narcolepsy and neglect it, it can cause memory loss or vision loss. In addition, falling asleep while driving or on the road or feeling lethargic can cause traffic accidents and interfere with daily life. If you suffer from repeated excessive sleepiness, you will need to receive appropriate treatment through professional medical care. 좋은뉴스




If you do not get enough sleep at night due to irregular life patterns, or if your condition deteriorates due to fatigue, you may become sleepy during the day. If you didn’t get enough sleep during the night, you wouldn’t worry much about being sleepy during the day.

If you experience hallucinations, etc., you should suspect narcolepsy.





Let’s look at how to self-diagnose narcolepsy. Try to find out if you are suffering from narcolepsy. Each item below is scored on a scale of 0-3, and if the total score is 10 or higher after adding all of them, it can be said that daytime sleepiness is caused by a sleep disorder or other disease. If you score 10 or more, please take the test below and check the results.




Narcolepsy is diagnosed when the following four symptoms are present at the same time: (Reference. American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR))


– Unexplained excessive sleepiness lasting more than 3 months. I fall asleep momentarily and feel refreshed temporarily after sleeping.

– There are symptoms of a sleep attack (a sleep attack is an inability to avoid drowsiness)

– Fainting symptoms (short-lived sudden loss of bilateral muscle strength associated with strong emotions, such as loud laughter or anger)

Hypnagogic hallucinations (feeling hallucinations when falling asleep or waking up) or sleep paralysis (scissors at the beginning or end of sleep) may occur.


Please check how to self-diagnose narcolepsy.