장애인복지카드 Disabled Welfare Card

Disabled people who have to suffer from physical or mental discomfort for the rest of their lives due to congenital or acquired problems can be issued a disability welfare card or disability registration card that contains necessary functions. You must have this disability registration card or disability welfare card to receive various welfare benefits or … Read more

노인 인권 사이버 교육 Elderly Human Rights Cyber Education

Elderly human rights education at the Cyber Education Center of the Korea Human Resources Development Institute for Health and Welfare is a cyber education course that all operators and employees of welfare facilities related to the elderly must complete in accordance with the Elderly Welfare Act and the Long-Term Care Insurance Act.   Korea Human … Read more

도로교통공단 이러닝센터 Road Traffic Authority e-Learning Center

The Road Traffic Authority e-Learning Center or Traffic Safety Education Center was opened in August 2006 as Children’s Transportation Nara. It developed a children’s traffic safety experience hall, animation, movie, and game zone, and was selected as a youth recommended site by the Information Communication Ethics Committee under the Ministry of Information and Communication. In … Read more

한메일 Hanmail

Go to Hanmail Many of you must have witnessed that when you tried to enter the e-mail you made when the Daum Hanmail service was provided in the past, you could not access it. So, to find the Hanmail shortcut link, if you searched for the following Hanmail shortcut link and came in, don’t panic … Read more

연체기록 overdue record

As I go through my life, there are naturally cases where I cannot pay taxes, fines, interest on loans, etc. on the set payment date, but people who don’t know that things that I thought would be okay in a few days than I thought would take a huge toll on me these days. It … Read more